One day, Dr. Steven E. Farkas, a former university science professor, decided that his two Lhasa apso dogs, Annie Pooh and MarLee, should have some fairy-tale adventures in ancient China...
Annie Pooh, and MarLee have never seen a monkey before they meet Sangee. The two royal Lhasa apsos are outraged by the monkey’s very bad manners...

How Annie Pooh And MarLee Meet Sangee The Monkey

Annie Pooh, Princess Pup, and MarLee are two royal Lhasa apso dogs that live with a beautiful princess in ancient China. Lhasa apso dogs were very famous in ancient China and could only be owned by Buddhist monks and royalty...

How Annie Pooh, MarLee And Sangee, The Monkey Help Discover Fireworks

Annie Pooh is trained by the princess to find people when she calls out a name. Annie Pooh meets MarLee, her princess cousin. Annie Pooh Princess Pup and MarLee then combine forces to help free a prince who was wrongfully imprisoned by the king of Tsoo...

Annie Pooh and MarLee Rescue a Prince

One day Dr. Steven E. Farkas, a former University Science Professor decided that his two Lhasa Apso dogs, Annie Pooh and MarLee, should have some fairy tale adventures in ancient China...

How Annie Pooh was lost, was found, and became a Princess Pup

76th Frankfurt Book Fair

Book Gallery

What better way to honor beloved pets than to place them at the heart of a delightful children's story. Former university science professor, Dr. Steven E. Farkas, does just that in his creation of the Princess Pup series, an imaginative collection of adventurous tales that star his lovable Lhasa apso dogs Annie Pooh and MarLee. With this canine breed's Asian ancestral roots, Farkas fittingly sets his story in ancient China...